Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Celebrating Bryan Adams………………….Forge Style


6 Forge All-Stars ignored the weather report and showed up ready to put in some work. Don’t tell us its not worth tryin’ for – you would be wrong. Here is a brief summary for your viewing pleasure:

Mosey to the elementary school for Warm Up:
Russian Soldiers, Imperial Walkers, Helicopters, Cherry Pickers, Dead Man Hang, Don Quixotes.

Mosey to the lower parking lot for Exercise One:

We tried out some potentially off-the-Exicon moves – basically just making crap up.

Rd 1: Lt. Dan Walks the Plank aka “Angry Lt. Dans”
Lunge walk, squat, fall forward for 5 plank plank jacks. Move across the parking lot, then jog back.

Rd. 2 Crab Rolls
Crab Walk 5 steps, roll over for 5 Merkins, repeat. Jog back

Rd. 3: WWII Crawl Bears
Crawl Bear for 5 steps, fall back and do 5 WWII sit ups, then switch back. jog back

Rd. 4: Jumping Herpees
Hand release broad jump burpees across the parking lot. Jog back.

Mosey to the Ampitheater for Exercise 2:

Triple Check – runner box jumps up the stage, 10 dips, run back down.
Other 2: Heels to Heaven, Incline Merkins

Mosey to the side of Huguenot High for Exercise 3:

Another Triple Check! Runner does Broke Back Railing to light, jogs back.
Other 2: Hold Plank, LBC’s

Mosey the flag for numbers/names/announcements

YHC took us out.

Final thoughts: A lot to unpack from this workout. Appreciate everyone’s enthusiasm in trying out some new combinations. I think Jumping Herpees are here to stay. For me, the Crab Rolls proved the most challenging. Might have to work on some of the names.

Not exactly sure what happened, but somehow Garbage Plate getting confused between Incline Merkins and Decline Merkins devolved into various takes on the Bryan Adams classic (Everything I Do) I Do it For You. For example, “every Merkin I do, I do it for you………….” There were many combinations.

Hot take: Bryan Adams is solid, but this single from the Robin Hood Soundtrack has to be one of the worst and douchiest songs ever recorded. Am I the only one?


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1 Comment

  1. Announcements:

    -9/11 themed workout at Dogpile on Saturday – Puppy Pile to follow.

    -Retreat and field day coming up this month – see Slack for details.

    -Good luck to the BRR crew!

    -Lots of people struggling out there – let’s support each other and those close to us.