Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Oyster’s Fiat


A lucky 7 gathered in the gloom of Wdog for a midweek beatdown. Upon arriving at 5:28, Oyster informed YHC that that last person to show up was automatically the Q, since no one was on the sheet. Why Oyster could enforce this rule was not questioned, so YHC submitted to this fiat and off we went. Here’s what happened:

COP : After a mosey to the far circle beyond the carillon, circle up for the COP. Deadman hang // Helicopters // DQs // Cherry Pickers // Imperial Walkers // Russian Soldiers // LBCs // Crabcakes // Merkins // Inverted Crabcakes // Pickle Pounders

Dora + Coupon: Grab a coupon at the stage. Round 1: 100 Incline Merkins on the block. Round 2: 200 American Hammers with the block. Round 3: 300 Squats with the block. Other partner runs to fence and back, WITH the Coupon.

After the Dora, COP with the coupon: Bench Press, Curls, Block Burpess.

Triple Check: in the amphitheater. Round 1: P1- SSHs, P2- Mountain Climbers, P3 – run the rim. Round 2: P1- WW2s, P2- Steps up, P3- run the rim.

Mosey back to the flag. Numberama, Namerama, YHC took us out.

NMS: Since First Watch is pirating all the regulars, great to have a new steady group of guys showing up for WDog. Well done Fire Elf for his first bootcamp- he didn’t puke! Prayers today for all the students and teachers starting back, and prayers for the guys getting ready for BRR.


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  1. Hot Potato Hot Potato. I was regretting all of this while carrying the coupon to the fence and back. Nice Q Bodo’s I’m going to feel it tomorrow.