Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Battle of Long Island and a little Merlot


14 men, including three FNGs answered the call to report for duty on Satan’s Hill for a Battle of Long Island themed workout. YHC was shocked at the record breaking turnout and determined to give he PAX their money’s worth.

Warmup with discussion of the Battle; some frustration was displayed by the PAX, but historical context was important.

SSH, Helicopters, cherry pickers, ‘murcans, LBCs

Mosey to the top of the hill then 4 corners with 20 each stop ‘murcans, LBCs, CDDs and squats.

down the hill with further discussion of God’s intervention 245 years ago to preserve the fledgling, trapped American Army after the retreat to Brooklyn Heights. In honor of the Maryland 400 holding the line and allowing the others to retreat we did a bear crawl style Indian Run to the top of SH. The mumble chatter among the PAX was getting ugly and a new revolution was in the offing as the PAX took a break with lunges after an FNG spilled merlot on the hill.

After a return to the bottom, in commemoration of the evacuation of the troops across the East River we ran to the top of SH a few more times before heading to the rock pile. We did reps of 8 overhead, curls for the girls, skullcrushers and squats repeato until the PAX begged for more running, so up the hill one last time we went. Finished with a Ring of Fire and time was called.

Numberama -14 Namorama – Three FNGs got some good names.

Prayers for our Marines killed in Afghanistan, Nancy’s friend with COVID, and Dracula’s daughter’s knee surgery.

See the link for an explanation of the Battle Battle of Long Island • American Revolutionary War


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  1. Thanks for your enthusiasm gents. Good to see Marmaduke and Beaker return. Looking forward to the FNGs return, way to recruit Vagabond and McGruff!