Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Kubota, wherefore art thou?


On a humid morning, 6 of us stood around saying “Where is the great Kubota?”. Is the commute to First Watch too long? Admittedly, 6 is a good number for triple checks so it was OK.

COP: DQs, Dead man hangs, merkins, ACs, LBCs

Exercise 1: Loop around the church 3 times (about 1/4 mile each). Do 20 SSHs, 20 Carolina Dry docks, 20 heels to heaven and 5 burpees at each speed bump (10 total) on each loop. EF Hutton was the fastest (Snuff was a bit unfamiliar with the territory).

Exercise 2: Triple check with chicken peckers, WWIIs and a run around part of the parking lot. The chicken peckers/modified to balls to the wall were quite the challenge.

Exercise 3: Mosey to home base parking lot. Grab 4 coupons. Rotate to chest press, bicep curls, flutter kicks, coupon squats and coupon swings. Pacer runs to the end of the parking lot and back.

Finished with dead man hangs and then announcements (Field Day, Sit and Sip in Amelia and Iron Pax – sign up if interested) and then prayer. Pray for full recoveries for all those with COVID including Bodos and Gypsy.

It is good to Q.

Fireman Ed


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