Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The Cooper


Lucky number 7 PAX posted in high humidity at Timberwolf to take on The Cooper. Here’s what transpired.

Warmarama :


10 Russian Soldiers IC

10 Don Q’s IC

10 Cherry Pickers IC

10 Imperial Walkers IC

10 Merkins IC

Mosey to Track


The Cooper – Run a lap around track then do 10 burpees, 10 squats and 10 merkins. Run a lap around track then do 9 of each exercise. Repeato down to 1 rep of each exercise.

Mosey back to Ole Glory


Each PAX calls out an ab exercise of 10 reps IC

Honeymoon – Freddie Mercuries (YHC had to step aside to wiz before he pissed his pants. Chugged too much H20 before the Q)

POG – Crunchy Frogs

YHC – Flutter Kicks

Pearl – LBC’s

McGruff – WWII’s

Time expired before Vagabond and Nancy could call an exercise



9/3 or 9/4 F3 Movie Night, 9/18 F3 Field Day, 9/25 F3 Retreat

Prayers for Afghanistan and our military service members who served there. Reach out to a veteran to encourage them as they go through this, even if it’s just to listen and spend time with them. Prayers also for Haiti, Cuba, Taiwan and India.

YHC took us out in prayer


Welcome Brian, now known as Pearl. He’s a guitarist and Pearl Jam sounded too kool so we shortened it to Pearl. You’re welcome.

The Cooper was a good warm up for POG who lapped everyone by the time it was over.


About Author

Joined F3 in Tallahassee FL on 9/12/18 during Hurricane *Florence*. Brother-in-Law Bocephus from F3 Charleston SC was responsible for the EH. Moved to Richmond in August 2020 and been rollin with F3RVA ever since.

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