Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Madam Wilson and the majestic woodpecker


Nine of Richmonds finest and one traveler from Charlotte decided to challenge Dogpile this morning. What rain? It was sunny and 70 for this morning’s edition. YHC was excited to get his first Dogpile Q under his belt. At the stroke of 6 off we went.

COP- Mosey to amphitheater. 20 each SSH, LBC’s. 10 each DQ’s, cherry pickers, Phelps, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, Russian soldiers,

The thang: Perform 5 merkins on bottom step, shout to another PAX to start when finished, run to other side increase 1 step, repeato until all Pax has snaked to the top. Repeato on way down with 10 LBC’s as exercise. Back up with 10 squats as exercise. On down all grab a step. Perform all 3 exercises on ends with shuffles, Bernies, etc. run across. 2.7 miles were logged. We picked up a Brad during the workout he tried to stay up but was struggling. Like shakedown said “Hopefully we brought some brightness to his day. Welcome to Brutus (What are odds we would have a scUM fan join on my first dogpile Q? Go Buckeyes) traveling in from Charlotte. He will be checking in with us every few weeks as he helps his daughter renovate her house here in Richmond.

Announcements: Lots coming up, lots going on. See Preblasts and Slack.

Prayers to all those PAX out there who could not make it , may the lord bring them back.

Always an honor to lead. Thank all of you for being brightness in my life.


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  1. Fun workout Nance

    Super stoked to have Sug back in the mix

    Great to meet you Brutus. Come back to see us.

    I really do hope things get better for Brad.

  2. Solid Q Nancy. Well done and very creative way to utilize the theater. Just under 3 miles all in that damn bowl! Enjoyed the 2nd F conversation and YES my conspiracy theorys will all come to light soon. Maybe not our lifetie, but soon…LOL