Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The Return of the Trout


5 guys showed up for a beatdown and it was fun!

COP — lots of exercises

Mosey to the Cauldron for a Lindsay — 30 donkeys and 10 Am Ham
add up to 40 each time descend and ascend by 5’s

Out of the cauldron for Droa in her 20’s

dora in her twenties
one person runs the dome and back, others do
20 jump squat pull ups
40 burpees
60 ww1 situps
80 merkins
100 SSH

2 people side crawl around the outside of the playground timbers while the others do swingset push outs. Was supposed to be the whole way around but was modified to half way around. That was hard.

Suicides, Reverse Suicides, Bernie suicides, burpee suicides

Lunges to cool down

back to the flag for 1 minute of round the world merkins.

Numbers Names Announcements

Thanks for letting YHC lead — sometimes it feels like I have no idea what I am doing but you encourage YHC just the same!


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