Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Ask Bullseye if you need to modify


5 Gloom warriors and an FNG showed up for a Doozy Q at Timberwolf and this is how it went


Mosey to the main lot, disclaimer (that’s where the title came from) DQ’s, Helicopters, Cherry Pickers, Russian Soldiers, Hillbillies, LBC’s, Merkins

Mosey to the bus loop for parking lot tracers

Mosey back to main lot Parking lot crawls

Bear Crawl to the first line with one merkin and increase merkin at each line by one (10X)

Lung back with 2 squats at the first line increasing by 2 at each line (10X)

Peter Parker to first line with 1 merkin at each line (5X)

Broad Jump to first line increasing by 2 squats at each line (5X actually ended up being 4X)

Crab Walk back with LBC’s at each line increasing by 2 (10X)

Mosey back to the cars to find a Kettle bell and medicine ball continue mosey to the tennis courts

Triple Check, partner one (timer) runs perimeter of the courts, partner two uses one of the two coupons to do squats and partner three does WWII’s

Mosey BTTF for some Man Killers and a AB ring of fire

Numbers / Names / YHC took us out


Welcome to the PAX Vagabond. He is Gypsies cousin so the name seamed to fit.

Proud Pops moment when Posey got the call to lead cadence in the ring of fire. He chose Flutter Kicks, his cadence was clear and on time. Someone signed him up for a VQ at No Toll next week that someone shall remain nameless to protect the guilty.


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1 Comment

  1. Great work guys, welcome to the Gloom Vagabond.

    Prayers for Torpedo and his family (friends with Gypsy)

    Virtual Town Hall Meeting tonight at 8 (see link in preblast)