Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Rock the Block(s)


A lucky 7 rose for this week’s addition of First Watch. After brief discussion about the necessity of headlamps, off we went to the triangle park.

COP – Helicopters, Don Quixote, Russian Soldiers, Imperial Walkers, Scorpions, LBCs.

Partner up for a Triple Check around the triangle park. Partner 1 runs the perimeter, Partner 2 performs elbow planks, and Partner 3 does Monkey Humpers.

Mosey back to the parking lot and pick up a coupon. Circle up for strength work. Rotating through the circuit perform tricep extensions, curls, overhead press, 60 flutter kicks, squats, bench, and swings with the flutter kicks as the timer. Repeato for extra fun.

Replace the coupons and line up for Lindsays – Dips and Box Cutters.

YHC took us out.

Announcements: Convergence Saturday 7/3 @7am @Dogpile.


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  1. Great coffee afterwards Fireman Ed! It was good to catch up and enjoy the sunrise.

  2. Thanks Lj! It was good catching up with you and helping set up the outside decor at Starbucks.