Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Where’s WOJO?


2 ground and pounders made their way to Twin Team for a Wojo beatdown! 5:30 and no Wojo, with that Doozy takes the Q with Crash Test Dummy following along.

COP on the basketball court behind BWES

DQ’s, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, Russian Soldiers, Dead Man Hang

Stay in the corner for a four corner start

10 Merkins, 20 LBC’s, 30 squats, 40 Lunges

Four corners Prostitute

10 NH Merkins, 20 Merkins, 30 Shoulder Taps, 40 Plank Jacks

Mosey to bus loop

Partner 1 run around the loop partner 2 does called exercise (X4)

LBC’s, Sugar Sticks, American Hammers, Scrunchy Frogs

Mosey to front of BW for elevens

Using the benches start with 1 Dip, run to other bench 10 Incline merkins, Bernie back

Mosey to teacher lot for parking lot crawls to 10, start with one merkin at the first line bear crawl to the next increase the merkins by one each time

What goes up must come down Lunges and squats on the way back increasing by two at each line


Numbers / Names YHC took us out


Wojo was on the Q sheet for this morning but Crash and YHC made the best of it when 5:30 hit.


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