Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

I’d Keep Playin’. I don’t think the heavy stuff…


2 men started and 2 men joined to make a foursome on this the rainiest Roller Coaster of the season. As the First Four rolled off the 18th green, a solo launched his round to make a Fivesome for the day. Temps were sunny and 70. According to Carl Spackler, this is more or less how the round went:

Swirly and YHC completed 3 loops – Small, medium and large

Saab-ski did a couple of rounds, briskly passing YHC & Co. on the last one.

TYA literally rode circles around the group.

Bone Thugs ran off on his own. Looked solid. No joke.

We silently numbered and named with 15 minutes of exaggerations and the like to round out the COT.


Solid run today with Swirly. Thanks for pushing YHC. Good to be back out after a few weeks of travel.

Anthrax is MIA. Possible lost at sea (in heavy weather). Last known position: Latitude: 37.565293 | Longitude: -77.51026

Neutering a dog: remove the scotal sac or keep it? Discuss.

UpChuck spits the bit.


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  1. Fantastic evening to run and good fellowship, even with TYA’s bigoted views about pasty white whale belly fat.