Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Blockwork Orange


An elite 8 clocked for a beatdown idea that looked much better on paper. Light mumble chatter as the clock neared 0500 with a pair rolling in right at the top of the hour. Quick circle up to grab a coupon and mosey half way down Ridge for COP.

Exercise I: Coupon Dora

quick COP to get a taste of the humidity; partner up for Dora

runners to and from the triangle parklet on ridge and back to down to Country Squire.

exercises were 100 alternating merkins on the coupon, 200 coupon presses (bench or push) and 300 200 coupon swings.

quick breather following that smoker… then farmers carry back up Ridge to return the coupons.

Circle up for about 10 minutes of Broga, which was needed following the Dora.

4 MOM and a merkin ring of fire.

Numberama, Namerama, YHC took us out.


Please lift up Boberry and his father.

Happy Hour planned for later this month 23rd/24th?

First Watch on the River next Wednesday from 5-6, meet at Huguenot Flatwater. Back up date is 7/23.

Puppy Pile this Saturday. Bring yourself and your 2.0s.

YHC has announced the official retirement of an offsite coupon workout, effective as of 6am this morning. to be fair, Upchuck warned YHC about this at 0502. Kudos to the PAX for battling through that one, YHC isn’t always full of the best ideas.



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  1. That goes down as the toughest Dora ever Wojo. Nice Q. Also glad to know Wojo is the Tuckahoe official Yogi.

  2. For the record, my whispered warning to the Q was prior to having any information about the Dora. The Q responded with, “Don’t worry. We are not going to the bottom of the [really big, long] hill.”

    One of the toughest ideas for a Dora I have seen in a while.

  3. still can’t move my arms after that smoker. blocks before 5.15 are never fun. glad to see a little SOJ rubbing off on tuckahoe with the benefits of broga. 2 times in one week. sounds like a new broga AO coming across the bridge.

  4. How far is it from the top of the hill to the bottom? I thought about “one upping” WTH and doing a 3 mile Cinderblock hill repeats….