Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Perfect Cluster


10 showed up today to run a route with poorly administered directions. YHC offers his Lab-Rat-esque apology to all.

Route: College to University. Wood to Waveny to Horsepen. Horsepen up to Patterson then back down on Ridge Top. Take left at Wheeler then path through woods to UR Boatright entrance. 4’s head back through Robbins Center. 5s and 6s take campus then up and back on Boswick and Old Mill. Jump on Tawano access road. 5’s take it on back to Commons. 6’s head up Rosewood back to Campus drive then back down to Ridgeway then along golf course and back to Commons.

Saab abides


About Author

One who abides and is prone to sophomoric and juvenile humor.


  1. I especially enjoyed the visualization of the route that Saab provided while giving directions. Good route Saab, even if you butchered it.

  2. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Well we know Saabski could land a plane if he had to !!
    Beautiful morning for a run – thanks to Pucker for directing us as we ran through the neighborhood …
    Enjoyed the run and conversation BODO’s
    See y’all in the gloom..