Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Punch in the mouth


14 gloom warriors arose from the sack on a quest for greatness. 6 chose to run and 8 chose sanity. According to the bus driver here is what happened.

COP Mosey to front bus loop. Audible to back of school because mousetrap said he wanted to see the moon. To the back of the school but no moon? 20 SSH’s, 10 each: DQ’s, cherry pickers, Phelps, deadman hang, helicopters, Imperial walkers, MErkins, LBC’s. Mosey to track in front of bleachers.

Dora: Runner up around, down bleachers. 100 MErkins, 200 LBC’s, 300 squats.

Quad check round 1: Runner same path around bleachers, Lunges on bleachers, Plank jacks, Dips.

Round 2: Runner, Step up’s, incline merkins, squats. Time was called after 2 turns completed. Mosey long way back around school to flag.

Announcements: Convergence Memorial Day (see preblast), Puppy piles happening this summer, Ultimate frisbees happening at no toll.

YHC took us out in prayer.

Great to see Tater from the North down in the south. Strong showing for boot camp and run. Thanks for the honor of leading. Make today great!


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  1. Nancy Lopez on

    Oh failed to mention. After a long cold winter I promised to punch in the mouth then first person who complained it was too warm. Rosetta you won that privilege.