Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

First Fab Five


5 HIMs set out to beat the sunrise at this week’s version of First Watch. As a WELCOME BACK to First Watch stalwart, EF Hutton, the PAX set off for a session featuring far less less running than Handshake’s field trip test run yesterday at HBR. 0500 means it’s go time.


Mosey to the First Baptist main parking lot, circle up for

SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Russian Soldiers, DQs, Scorpion Kicks, Merkins, and Arm Circles …. all in cadence

The Thang

Exercise I: Phil Ford’s Four Corners

utiltizing the corners of the parking lot

bear crawl on the shorter runs of the rectangle in between stations, walking lunges on the longer straightaways

first corner: 25 hand release merkins; 2nd: 25 jump squats; 3rd: 25 monkey humpers; 4th: 25 reverse crunches

broga with the six on the luke warm pavement

Exercise II: Ridge Work

mosey to Country Squire and Ridge through burpee drive

slight variation of catch me if you can as a duo and one trio

pace car runs from country squire to the the parklet triangle and back

exercises – Lt. Dan’s; broad jump burpees; crab walks

algore for the six

Exercise III: Cinder Block Circuit

mosey back to the the overflow lot

pace car suicide run the parking lot

cinder block work with flutter kicks, goblet squats, push press/push jerk and bench presses. 3 complete rounds

slow mosey back to the flag

numberama, namerama, YHC took us out

Felt like August this am. Great to have EF Hutton back at First Watch. Impressive bounce back, young man!

Great work all around as the humidity was no joke.

Convergence on Monday at 7am. See Backblasts and announcements from Honeydo.

Please lift up those named and unnamed.

Thanks for letting YHC lead. SYTIG


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1 Comment

  1. Thanks for leading today, Wojo. Good luck this weekend. Hopefully the weather holds out.