Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Are there hills on this run?


3 runners posted at the slowly reopening River Run AO to see where Doozy wanted to take them.

An OG River Downs 5 mile route was called

Circle around by JRHS to the front of River Downs take the second left up the little hill, turn right at the stop sign and head to Gumbo’s house. At Gumbo’s house turn around in the cul-de-sac and head back the same way you came.

Numbers / Names


YHC wanted to incorporate some hill work but still thought the mileage was good, perfect for the River Downs route. YHC did have to text Gumbo to verify the exact way the route was run.


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1 Comment

  1. That was a nice route Doozy. Those hills give Twin Team a run for its money ?