Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The Greenbow Special


E ala ‘oeE ala ‘oe!! e holo ana nā kānaka
Time for the Greenbow Special.

3rd F: (Faith) Thank you to Pinto for taking us out this morning.

2nd F: (Fellowship) the Memorial Day Convergence is planned. Talk to Honey Do if you want to help out.
Lots of 2nd F running opportunities opening up. DM me if you would like to know more about Co-Ed running options around the area that will not interfere with your F3 1st Fs
(ie: Wednesdays at 6PM is 1 for the Road run out of a local brewery… changes location every week.)

1st F (Fitness)
A picture saves a 1000 words: (or street names)
Courts on the left side of neighborhood we did 10 Merkins and 20 Flutter kicks.
On the way back we hit the courts on the right side and did 10 Jump Squats and 20 WW2 sit-ups.

Loop around the Goose pond and back to the AO.
4 miles with Bootcamp.
Finish up with 5 mins of Mary:
1 min each of: American Hammers, Flutters, LBCs.
2 mins of PLANK

Good group of guys out this morning for the Greenbow Special.
This work out allows for all speed levels and distances. It is easy to modify if you decide to cut the courts short or skip one all together. But over all we have between 3 and 4 miles yet everyone stayed with in view of each other.

Call a pax member you have not heard from in a while. It might be just the pick up they need today.

If you have not signed up for it yet, check out: https://consistencycoaching.substack.com/ .
There is some good stuff in there from RVA’s very own Swirly

Thank you for allowing me to lead this morning.

John (Gypsy) Boles


About Author

Raised in Hampton.. Two 2.0s.. Director of Expansion: Speed For Need.. F3 Nation Truebadour.. Brother in the Gloom.. A broken pax, but working daily to be better.

1 Comment

  1. Great seeing Greenbow back out in the Gloom this morning.
    Nice to see new faces at this AO on a regular occurrence now.