Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

No Q Wednesday


3rd F: (Faith) See Slack Channel for 3rd F to connect to the next Virtual meeting

2nd F: (Fellowship)
Double Mint posted:
Gents – the 2.0s and I are heading out to Evergreen/East End Cemetery again to clear some brush and haul some logs in service e to others — we are on the 11-12:30 shift; volunteers also welcome for 9-10:30. Hope you can make it!

1st F: (Fitness)

The Thang:
1 mile warm up to the parking deck: a few side straddle hops and some Don Quixote.
today’s main event is:
run up the flight of stairs to the top of the parking deck. 20 of called exercise, lap around the top deck and proceed down to next level. 20 or same called exercise on each level until you get to the bottom.
Rinse and repeat 2 more times. 1st round called exercise was Merkins, 2nd round was WW2s, 3rd round was Sumo Squats.
Time to mosey.. that parking deck stuff sucks.

Over to the Goose Landing pond.
Tempo pace to far end. recover pace back to beginning.

All in and time to head back to the AO.

3.4 miles of running and bootcamp along the way. it great way to start a Wednesday.

NMS: Interesting to see 3 AOs all without an assigned Q on the same day. But as I look at the sign up sheet there are tons of blanks.. RVA is the only region I know of that doesn’t have a SLT or site Qs and as a result, I guess we end up without designated leadership, shovel flags, pax consistency, etc to make sure the core principles of F3 are being followed at the AOs.


John (Gypsy) Boles


About Author

Raised in Hampton.. Two 2.0s.. Director of Expansion: Speed For Need.. F3 Nation Truebadour.. Brother in the Gloom.. A broken pax, but working daily to be better.

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