Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

My first 45


The gloom chill was back for a 34 degree start to 45MOM and 15 dudes gathered to kick off a Thursday. Here’s how it went:

Mosey around the school to the tennis courts for a warmup: 20xSSH, DMH, 10x cherry pickers, 20xIW’s, 20xLBC, 10xHRM, 10x pickle pounders (side to side), plank & recover.

Gather at the center of the field for an earth day tribute edition of touch a tree, 4 rounds: 2 trees + Tony Hawk Burpees, 4 trees + Rosalitas, 6 trees + Carolina Dry Docks, 8 trees + Copperhead Squats. Alphabet spell earth day for the six.

Mosey to the monkey bars for a modified ring of fire with 10x merkins + 5x pull ups, 2x through followed by some time traversing the tennis courts, lunge, polar bear, jog and Bernie.

Headed to the USA map lot for a big Dora: 50x big boy sit ups, 100x box cutters, 150x SSH’s while partners run across to the fence & Bernie back x2. Plank for the six. Mosey back to the flag, TYA chose 20 so we finished up with 20 American Hammers.

Numberama, Namerama, Announcements (EF opportunity on Slack, PR for Bleeder’s nephew) and YHC took us out.

Great work today gents – a pleasure to Q for the first time at Mary. Despite the flack, the Tony Hawks were worth it. Until next time. GP


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1 Comment

  1. Nicely done today. TH’s are a keeper. The twirl is a break from the burpees. BBSU’s are awful. Getting up = struggle. Down = controlled collapse.