Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny



11 PAX mustered at Hoedown to kick the week off right. After a quick check of the Q sheet to be sure YHC was in fact on point, here’s how it went:

Mosey to the bottom of Lindsey for a warmup: 20x SSH, DMH w/ 5x Michael Phelps, 10 x RSs, 10x IW, 10x Merkins, 20x LBCs, 5x Scorpion Kicks (still unclear on any tangible physical benefit of a Scorpion Kick)

Partner up and climb out of Lindsey, one partner runs to top of hill and back while other partner bear crawls, lunges, and burpee broad jumps forward, repeat as necessary to the top. Al Gore for the six.

Mosey to the bus loop for a 5 minute drill with HRM and People’s Chair. Partners alternate for reps of 2,4,6,8,10… etc HRM while the other partner holds PC for a running 5 minute clock.

Remain at the loop for a Triple check with Donkey Kicks, Heels to Heaven and a jaunt around the loop for the timer. Plank for the six.

Mosey to the grassy knoll for 25x PLT’s and 30x inclined WWII’s

Head up to the back field for a three minute drill with MH’s and plank, same ascending 2,4,6,8… reps structure for a running 3 minute clock.

Split into two teams for 4 minutes of true crab soccer, complete with goals and a soccer ball. 3 burpee bonus for any goals scored. No goals were scored. Unsure if this was due to the burpee bonus or the fact that we all sucked pretty bad at crab cake soccer. Mosey back to the flag.

Numberama, Namerama, Announcements (Blood drive, Tomato Run, BRR see TYA) Prayer requests (Doublemint, EF Hutton) and YHC took us out.

Solid work this morning gents. Fun to see Ticket to Ride for a second round at Hoedown, enjoyed Hitchhiker’s all star crab goalie performance, and glad Last Call is still a man in action after a close call on the field. Until next time, GP


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  1. Great Q Garbage Plate, its been a while sense I’ve been to Hoedown so it was good to see some guys that I don’t normally see during the week.