Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Cheers to you?


5 PAX arrived at Satan’s Hill to find chilly hill for mid April. YHC was glad to see Florence return to the hill along with the the 4 Satan’s Hill Stalwarts. With the clock striking bottom of the hour we were off. According to the white Tesla here is what went down.

COP 30 SHH’s (as we waited for HErmie’s entrance). 10 each: DQ, Helicopters, cherry pickers, deadman hang, merkin, flutter kicks, dollies, plank jacks. Arm circles.

The thang: The Cliff Claven. Run to all mailboxes on right perform called exercises in groups of 5 mailboxes. 10 merkins, 15 plank jacks, 30 seconds each flutters/dollies descending by 5 seconds each stop, 15 mountain climbers, 2 burpees, 10 jump squats, 15 Susanne summers, and a few exercises I am not recalling. With 5 minutes left YHC called for a mosey to flag down otterdale hill. YHC broke out in a sprint and died halfway down the hill. POG Rosetta and Florence coasted past him. 2 MOM at the flag and time was called.

Announcements: Tomato Relay, Freed to Bleed. See pre blasts.

Prayers to Rosetta’s friend and family who lost his father. YHC took us out in prayer. Honored to lead. Make today awesome!


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1 Comment

  1. Oh and as we discussed the Cliff Claven at the end we discovered 3 PAX had no idea who he was. Cheers to you!