Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

First 8


8 redwoods started off their Wednesday in the earliest way possible in 70 and sunny RVA with a stop just north of Westhampton Station. With a crisp gloom and 0500 start it was “go-time” as the PAX moseyed along burpee speed bump row toward the  church parking lot.


No FNGs? Push yourself and don’t hurt yourself.

Circle up for SSHs, imperial walkers, DQs, scorpion kicks, LBCs.

The Thang

Exercise I – Dora Triangles

Mosey to Henrico’s smallest parklet for a Dora.

100 Hand release (not handshake release) merkins, 200 plank jacks, 300 monkey humpers. algore for the six including some broga stretching.

Exercise II – Hold The Coupon Line

PAX moseys to back to the parking lot, grabs and coupon and lines up in one parking spot per station. 2 rounds, rotate through the following exercises.

Coupon swings, Coupon plyo merkins, coupon curls, coupon step ups coupon push presses, coupon goblet squats, coupon burpees, coupon lunges, pace car runs the perimeter of the parking loop.

back to the flag for 2 minutes of mary.

Numberama, Namerama, YHC took us out.

Please lift up Mrs. Upchuck and the extended family on the overtime with the MIL and those unnamed.

Freed to Bleed May 1, BRR sign ups underway.

Strong mumble chatter today including musings of Small engine repairmen , The whereabouts of handshake , and the train conductor who kept hitting snooze.

enjoyed coffeeteria afterwards. Thanks for letting me lead Gents!


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1 Comment

  1. I missed Coffeeteria?!? Damn.

    I didn’t think I missed anything since there was no BB.