Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Not Far Off Campus


8 husky young studs avoided the warmth and comfort of the Fart Sack to answer the calling of Richmond’s earliest AO. Flurries were in the forecast but sunny and 70 were the conditions in Tuckahoe. According to the early morning train conductor, this is what was rumored to occur.

Mosey to the Church Parking Lot for Warmarama consisting of numerous SSH’s, Helis, DQ’s, Collard Pickers, WWII’s, LBC’s and possibly others that will go unnamed.

COP 1: Mosey back onto Ridge for a Lindsay down to the River. After a brief pause to remember the exercises, YHC instructed 30 WWII’s & 10 Squats. Continuing down Ridge stopping at each cross street for the next set of exercises. After the initial set, YHC audibled to Carolina Dry Docks in order to save the PAX seductive tramp stamps.

COP 2: Triple Check at Westham Station: American Hammers, Monkey Humpers while timer runs to Bridge Road and back. Audible after 1st group of runners to Last No Parking Sign. Audible after 2nd group of runners to 3rd No Parking Sign. 1st Group of Runners chose to keep the longer distance. Handshake decided he wanted to continue running. Chaos all around.

COP 3: Mosey back up to Overlook Road and Partner Up: Runner goes to cul de sac and back while partner performs Polar Bears. Switch and continue. 1/2 way up stop and begin decent back down to Ridge with lunges replacing Polar Bears.

2 minutes left, sprint BTTF

Numbers, Names, Announcements, YHC took us out

NMS: Run heavy Q’s are not typically a favorite of YHC. But it had been a while since the 1st Watch regulars have been down to the river. A few stumbles remembering exercises and audibles due to time restrictions being called but PAX seemed open to the change. Plenty of Mumble Chatter throughout lobbying various PAX to take the open DogPile Q on Saturday. Pleasure leading you guys this morning. First Watch continues to be the most fun you can have at 5 am on a Wednesday.

HDHH tonight at Kindred Spirits. Join Doozy and his M for merriment.


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  1. Great group this morning. Nice staying dry for once, except for Handshakes early stream crossing. Always fun joining this group.

  2. Well done, Last Call! Don’t ever underestimate Kubota’s mobile weather app again. So, which no parking sign to we run to?

    Have a great day, all!

  3. It was a good one. Always love running down Ridge to see what the Q has in store.

    Make sure those magazine subscriptions are up to date boys!

  4. Solid today, Last Call. Good workout all around, and nice being off campus. Today was also 35 minutes of dreading the inevitable run back up Westham Station at the end.

    Walk away quote from Last Call, who shared some duck with YHC: “I did what I could, but watch out for the possible shotgun shells in the duck meat.”

    Not being raised in a family of hunters, YHC is working on how to wordsmith that with the M.