Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Johnny is the goodguy



In light of the recent release of season 3 of the best teenage drama ever, we began cobra kai training at the clubhouse. SSHs, helicoptors, jazzercise, merkins, front kicks, side kicks, and shuffle jabs. Off to find the beast of new market again.


The Beast was located at New Market 2. It was dark, quiet, and 72 degrees. Perfect weather to destroy him, and the kai’s were animals. YHC was impressed with fortitude and speed of the PAX. It was an altered beast –

first 6 stops were 6 ssh’s, next was 6 ssh’s followed by squats, stack those up with merkins, 4th set to add in was plank jacks along with the 1st 3 excersises, then WWII’s, finally hello dolly’s. Beast was slain, with some time left. Back to clubhouse with Nancy leading. No one told him this wasn’t a race.

YHC called some sprints, a mary circle and was out of steam but felt the cobra kai’s would benefit from a few burpees. Honeymoon disagreed. YHC believed the cobra’s had enough, but Johnny Lawrence (Nancy) felt compelled to utilize the last 1 min and 30sec for a session of plank balance exercise. Mumble chatter ensued. Strike first, strike hard, no mercy.

Numberama, name-arama, prayers for pax, honeymoon’s dad and thanks be to God.


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