Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

WTH have I been missing?


3 met in the gloom at WTH to celebrate the triumphant (slow) return of Greenbow.

The Thang:

Quick warm up around the bus loop 2x waiting for stragglers. There were none other brave enough.

Run East on Three Chopt; North ramp into WBV; Stay right toward lake; gravel path on right to cross Three Chopt; South on Thamesford Way.

At each street (dead end) on the West side of Thamesford Way, run to the end, circle back-to-last until pax is together. Then, perform exercise prescribed by the Q:

Harcourt Ln: Merkin x10; Tottenham Ct: keep running; Tottenham Pl: Merkin x10; unnamed circle: Jumping Jack x1 (because it’s not really a full street); Ivy Home Terr: scissor kick x20

Start the trip back North. Repeat run to end, back-to-last, exercise for each street (dead end) on the East side of Thamesford Way:

Ivy Home Pl: Downhill Merkin x10; Thamesford Ct: keep running; Harcourt Terr: merkin x10

Cross Three Chopt; right to continue around lake; back to the parking lot, run loops until Greenbow arrives – optional, burpees in parking lot until Greenbow arrives (weird, no one did this)

Burpee x10; Pinto’s beach body special request aka LBC x25; Rosalita x10

Total mileage: 3.65

In closing:

YHC skipped for a while.. Working to get back at it. Praying thanks for those who were there and quick recovery for those who were not.

Take a moment, reach out to someone. Or, if you have something going on, reach out to a fellow brother!



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