Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Manly Stretching


5 early risers and YHC hit the tennis courts of No Toll for some manly stretching, aka BroGa, aka whatever you’d like to call it. We targeted the hips, hip flexors and hamstrings. Lots of groaning but some good stretching and no one got hurt. We’ll call it a win! Join us next week.


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  1. Thanks for organizing and Qing this one OC! Doozy, glad you brought this up on Slack. That was a work out i didn’t know i needed until it was in progress.

  2. Thanks for leading OC! That was a great stretch…you had me twisted up in ways I didn’t know were possible.

  3. Thanks for leading OC it definitely gives you a good head start on the beat down to follow