Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny



Seven assembled for this week’s Punisher. Short mosey to the concrete circle near the front of the school for COP with 25 x SSHs, 15 x DQs, 15 x IWs, 15 x Helicopters, two rounds of Superman while humming The Imperial March, 10 x Suzanne Somers (each side), and 25 x Arm Circles (small only, forward then reverse).

Resume our mosey around the school to the outdoor classroom for Dips and Bench Kicks with rounds of 20 reps of each, then 16, 12, 8, and 4. Jog to the playground and break into groups for team Suicides on the blacktop. All assume Plank. First guy starts the run and on the way to the 50% line, the second guy starts. Third guy starts when the second guy is on the way to 50%. YHC was odd man and started with the third guy in each group. Three rounds.

Slide over to the playground area and begin Jerkin rounds. Same groups. First guy completes 10 Jerkins from beneath a playground swing, holding the final pull for a few seconds. The other guys hold straight arm Plank. Rotate through until all are done. Brief break then round two. For the third round, reduced the reps and increased the hold length between each rep.

Mosey to the bus loop and YHC breaks out the yard dice. Same groups. First group rolls for the exercises (one die) and reps (two for up to 12 reps) to be completed by the second group. Second group does the same for the first group. Legend: 1 – Box Cutters, 2 – Hello Dollys, 3 – WWII Sit Ups, 4 – Squats, 5 – Side Lunges, and 6 – Back Lunges. Two rounds with doubles yielding double reps on the final round.

Jog around the school for a few minutes of LBCs. COT and YHC took us out.

Glad to see Attila, Spider, and Mariner at Punisher. Nice work all.


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