Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Jingle Ball the Way


A PAX of 9 filled with holiday cheer descended on a chilly SOT. Doozy and Boberry were already eagerly waiting when YHC arrived. With less than 2 minutes to spare, New Market clown cars rolled in along with DK. Here’s what transpired:

Mosey to front of MMS for –

COP- DQs, Cherry Pickers, Helicopters, Russian Soldiers

Advent Calendar (surprises behind every door)

1 dozen Burpees

2 dozen WWIIs

3 dozen Merkins

4 dozen LBCs

5 dozen SSHs

6 Burpees

7 Jump Squats

8 Jump Squats

9 Burpees

10 Donkey Kicks

11 Donkey Kicks

12 Carolina Drydocks

13 Carolina Drydocks

14 Rosalitas (in cadence)

15 Flutter Kicks (in cadence)

16 Hello Dolly’s (in cadence)

17 Freddie Mercury’s (in cadence)

18 Hills to Heaven (in cadence)

19 Alabama Prom Dates

20A Merkins

20B Merkins

21 Ball Dippers (2-count)

22 Crunchy Frogs (in cadence)

23 American Hammers (2-count)

24 American Hammers (2-count)

25 Jingle Balls

Made it to Christmas! Mosey to the track.

Christmas Victory Mile

25 Mountain Climbers – run a lap

25 of something – run a lap

25 Monkey Humpers – run a lap

25 SSHs – run a lap

Mosey to bottom of hill.

Bear crawl to top.

BTTF for 10 more burpees.

Numbers, names, announcements, YHC took us out.


-HDHH this evening at Hardywood Westcreek – the rain is pouring as YHC types this so check slack later today to make sure it’s still happening

– Prayers for a member of Boberry’s family (sorry Boberry, couldn’t remember who) who is pregnant and having gall bladder surgery.

This is year 3 of YHCs advent calendar workout at SOT and the jingle balls are always a nice surprise at door 25. Mumblechatter was pretty heavy today…but seemed heaviest during the jingle balls. YHC admits, 25 of those suck.

Despite all the craziness going on in the world right now, take a moment to find peace during what I still believe is a magical time of year. So grateful for this PAX…you all are part of the reason for YHCs sanity. As always, thanks to the PAX for indulging YHC this morning…it’s an honor to lead.


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  1. Glad you’re part of the PAX brother! Nice Q. Burpees were a great way to stymie some of the mumble chatter.