Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

It was a block party


12 of the West End (and one Da’villian) emerged from the Fartsack for a 59 degree Heartbreak Ridge and this is what transpired

COP with various exercises

Triple Check: P1 runs to far side of Parking Lot, P2 does Wall Sits, P3 LBC’s, repeat 3 times

Mosey down to the Pull Up Bars. Guy #1 does 10 Pull Ups while everyone else does WWII’s, Guy #2 does Pull Ups while everyone does Flutter Kicks then repeat through the entire crew

Mosey over to the Bleachers and each grab a Cinderblock

Mosey to the field for the main event.

Round 1: Murder Bunnie 30 yards, switch to Gorilla Shuffle facing left for 30 yards, switch to Gorilla Shuffle facing right for 30 yards. Then light mosey down the field and back

Round 2: same as the first, but going back the opposite direction. Then light mosey down the field and back.

Round 3: Partner Up, P1 Murder Bunnies down the field while P2 runs down the field and back, then switch until the end zone is reached.

Round 4: P1 Gorilla Shuffle facing one direction while P2 runs down the field and back, then switch. Rotating facing directions each time.

Mosey to put blocks away then over to the Jerkin Gym. Partner up for 6 Jerkins each, three times.

20 OYO Merkins while Gypsy does 6 inches.

Mosey to the Parking Lot for 1 minute of Freddie Mercuries until time runs out.

Announcements: 1) Gypsy collected over 100 pairs of shoes, far surpassing his goal. 2) Pinto has the Q tomorrow at WTH. 3) Spit is finishing his F3RVA World Tour and is celebrating with Amateur Ramm Gears at Ramm on Friday, come one, come all.

NMS – Garbage Plate introduced the Gorilla Shuffle at Hoedown yesterday it and was enjoyed by all. YHC thought it might be a good addition to the Murder Bunnie lineup. YHC thinks everyone enjoyed it. Have a great day everyone!


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  1. Good Q Handshake. Going to feel those Gorilla Shuffles last today! Hope some of you fellas can join me on Friday for the bike ride.
