Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Bateau still floats


Two gathered at Bateau to kick off the week. Here’s how it went:

Quick warm up jog, 20x SSH, 10x DQ, 10x CP, 20x LBC, 10x HRM, grab coupons and mosey to the park entry for a Dora: 100x alternating block Merkins, 200x jump over block squats, 300x leg lifts over block; timer runs the loop in front of the stone house.

Mosey with coupon rifle carry / curls carry to the road at the base of the sledding hill. Partner bear crawl block drag from the bottom up to the playground, alternating runner timer to the top. Mosey back down to retrieve the extra coupon & alternate lunge / curl carry back to the playground. Mosey to picnic benches for 30x dips, 20x WWII, 30x dips, 30x step ups, rifle carry back to the flag.

YHC was super thankful to have Boberry show up as a solo Q would have quickly turned into south side coffee curl repeats! Until next time, GP.


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1 Comment

  1. Nice Q Garbage Plate! Enjoyed the adventure through Batteau. Nothing like the smell of burnt cinder block on the morning.