Friday, September 20
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Believe it or not…


Four gloom warriors made their way to Satan’s Hill to start the week off strong. Wilson came in at the last minute as we began to mosey. After a short mosey we circled up.

COP- SSH’sx30, DQ’sx10, Dead man hang, Cherry pickers x10, Imperial walkersx10 Russian soldiers x10, Helicopterx10, CH squats. warm up complete and away we went. Mosey up Satan’s Hill

4 Corners-big boy style (.8 mile according to my calacualtions)

Round 1 20 WWII’s, 40 Merkins, 60 Mountain climbers, 80 squats

Round 2 – 20 WWII’s, 40 Merkins, 60 plank jacks, 80 jump squats

Round 3 20 WWII’s, 40 Merkins, 60 LBC’s , 80 monkey humpers

Mosey BTF. Time for some abs, 6 inch holds. Finish with the greatest American Hero (which Boberry nor Florence knew?). Youth is wasted on the young.

Numberama, Namearama, YHC took us out in prayer. Prayers to Florence’s Mom’s recovery and M in searching for new career. Great work today PAX and always an honor to lead a fine PAX.


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  1. I am a last minute decision, but likely not as I am CVill Friday night for a wedding and my oldest is home for the weekend. Yall have fun tho.

  2. Nancy, when you said we had enough time left to do a 4th round of 4 corners, I almost had a heart attack haha. Glad you were kidding and didn’t have the time left for that.