8 warriors braved the mighty drizzle of Short Pump to brave a workout from Fireman Ed. The workout went something like this:
COP: 15 SSHs (for some reason my body went faster than my cadence causing a near uproar from the geriatrics who prefer predictability and order), 10 DQs, 20 FMs, 15 ACs (each direction) and 13 Cherry pickers. Mosey to curb near track
Exercise 1: Curb Bear Crawl and Crawl Bear up to 5 merkins. Rest and go 6 to 9 merkins. Mosey around track (with Jville splashing in the puddles like a good country boy).
Exercise 2: With the theme being 9 26 (cause that’s what today is) we did 9 donkey kicks followed by 26 WWIIs, then 9 chicken peckers and 26 2 count LBCs, then 9 donkey kicks and 26 2 count flutter kicks. Mosey around school to get some cardio.
Exercise 3: 1 burpee at each pole, 13 poles; then 2 burpees at each pole for 13 poles. Mosey around school to benches near swampy field.
Exercise 4: 9 merkins then 26 bench kicks (probably wrong term), 9 HRMs then 26 2 count steps, and 9 diamond merkins then 26 calf raises on the bleacher steps (with two of us almost falling). Mosey to pavilion
Exercise 5: 9 derkins 26 squats, 9 derkins 26 jump squats, 9 derkins 26 2 count mountain climbers. Mosey to famous Gainesville chin up bars.
Exercise 6: 9 chin ups, 26 dips, 7 chin ups, 13 dips, 5 chin ups, 13 dips. Mosey to parking lot after 2 rounds around the parking lot
26 2 count American hammer, round of Mary with merkins, DQs and rotten cherry pickers.
Closed in prayer.
Announcements: There is a gently used shoe collection for an organization called Homeward. The POCs are Gypsy, Honeydo (West End), Spit (Daville) and TryHard (SOJ). Please give the shoes that you no longer wear.
Field Event in Amelia on 10/3 (next Saturday). I am guessing other backblasts will have more details.
I am glad to entertain with the uneven SSH cadence. It proves some of you were paying attention.
Help those in need.
Fireman Ed
J-ville aiming and literally jumping in the puddles had we questioning if he had common sense.. then I questioned why I wasn’t doing it and enjoying my own run as much as he clearly was. T-Claps to J-ville for bringing out the inner “good country boy”.. his natural joy was a highlight of the morning for YHC.
Yeah I wasn’t expecting that! Perhaps Jville came up with a new exercise to use for future rainy Gridirons.