Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Ball Buster


4 runners and 7 chick magnets showed up to do their thing at SOT this morning and this is how it went

4 runners were gone when YHC arrived

7 Chick magnets had to mosey away from the road as not to distract passing females on their way to work, to the bottom of the hill we went

COP: DQ’s, Helicopters, Cherry Pickers, Dead Man Hang, Russian Soldiers

Mosey to the track: Butt Kickers, High Knees from back of the track to the stairs

Mosey up the stairs to the back of the school, on back straight away half way do lunges other half bear crawl

Mosey to bus parking lot to find 6 bus spaces, 5 labeled with exercises and counts and the 6th with a medicine ball. At each space do your exercise with the number required and run around the school. When you get to the space with the ball no exercise to preform just run with the ball in the opposite direction from the other runners.

Mosey to the front by the flags: Elevens – from curb to curb starting with 10 incline merkins on the opposite side bear crawl one way and crawl bear back for derkins on the other side.

Time called as the 4 runners returned, mosey back to the flag

Numbers/Names YHC took us out


YHC did not feel like getting the chain out of the shed this morning so with the title of this workout normally being the ball and chain there where a couple other titles that seemed to fit. Ascending or descending testicle where a couple that came to mind. Thankfully no ladies where harmed or distracted during this workout due to the shear manliness that was taking place.


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