Wednesday, September 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Predictable Pax


A total of 9 PAX eventually made it out to Hearbreak Ridge on another muggy morning. Fireball from Houston joined us for:

COP: SSH, Russian Soldiers, Merkins, Helicopters, Flutterkicks, Scorpion Kicks.

Triple Check: Chicken Peckers, WWIIs, & run the loop. Mosey off to basketball courts in back. 10 merkins at each hoop, with bear crawl between all 6 baskets. Down to the Jerkin Gym: 4 sets of 8 Jerkins.

Over to the benches: 30 Benchkicks & 20 Squats. 2 more rounds increasing both by 10 each time. Head over to namesake Heartbreak hill for Fireball:

Run up 3 burpees, back down. Up & 5 burpees at top, back down. Up again 10 WWIIs, back down. Finish back up with 20 Merkins. Back to flag for 2 min of Mary. Atilla took us out.

NMS: At 5:28 with 6 PAX waiting to start Fireball asked how many PAX does HBR normally have. Atilla responded “6-10” and said in the next 90 seconds Lighthouse would pull up soon followed by Handshake as we would hit 5:30. True to form Lighthouse pulls in at 5:29 and Handshake is getting out of his car as we start our mosey at 5:30. Not wanting to be outdone Probation arrives 2 minutes late and tracks us down in the COP. It is nice to know some things you can set your watch to in these uncertain times.

YHC did not realize half the PAX didn’t have gloves until the end of the bear crawl across the basketball courts, sorry. Fireball seemed to enjoy his introduction to Jerkins and said Heartbreak hill would be the biggest hill in all of Houston. Someday YHC hopes to be able to run with reckless abandon like watching Howler run down Heartbreak hill.

Announcements: Bone Thugs VQ thursday, Fall retreat and cornhole Pre-blasts are up. 10k next Friday at RAMM. Also Iron PAX signup still open – join in on the fun, see Slack for details.


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