Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Desayuno para ocho


Eight hombres poderosos posted for early miles. Some went on to tour the T Pott, others attended the Spit Coupon Beatdown and Brewfest. A good time was had by all. Numbers, names, YHC took us out. Great way to start el sabado, caballeros!

NMMS: On the amble back, Bulkhead, Swirly and YHC discussed the benefit of incorporating more stretching after the runs. etc. After all, we’re not getting any younger (except Hardywood — who probably has a Keith Richards-looking Dorian Gray portrait of himself locked away somewhere at the alpaca ranch). At the 2dF, Gypsy mentioned that Run IDs would be good for us to have, in case someone had an injury Flipper couldn’t treat on the spot and Splinter was not able to pull up the Google Docs emergency contact list on his watch. Stay tuned.


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