Monday, September 16
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Drunken Cat


Fourteen on time runners, one with cat in tow, and a very late runner embraced both heat and humidity for this week’s edition of Spider Run.

The Route

Embark on Gateway and immediately take the paved path through the woods and pick up Roselawn for the steep climb up the hill. Just embrace it and go. Take a right on Toanna and a right on the Three Chopt access road. A left on Grove and a left on Libbie.

4s take a left on Patterson, a left on St Chris, a right on the Three Chopt access road and drop down Toanna to Campus to Gateway.

5s and 6s continue down Libbie, taking a left on the access road in front of St Mary’s, a left on Bremo, a left on Maple, and a right on Patterson.

5s turn on Honaker to Boatwright, with a left on Campus and a right on Gateway.

6s head west on Patterson to Westham Pkwy. A left on Baldwin and pop through the fraternity hole to come around the baseball field parking lot to the lake.

Marv took us out.

This route shall be called the Drunken Cat.



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  1. I enjoyed the new route Lockjaw. Gotta be careful of those cats this time of year.

    I especially enjoyed the drive by of St Marys Emergency Room. Put a pin in the map for that one as it can be a replacement for the now closed Starbucks on Libbie/Grove.

  2. Nice route. Definite keeper for its elevation and relative simplicity.

    I was voting for Racoon Roundabout, but whatever you chose to call your mudflap….

    For TYA’s benefit, maybe next time you can incorporate a route that favors the sorority hole…