Two road weary, grizzled old men posted to Batteau this morning to turn it up to 11. Here’s how it sounded..
COP – mosey to the top of the stairs, then SSHs x 20, DQ x 10, IW x 20, Flutter Kicks x 20, APDs x 20,
Grab a rock* from the coupon pile for
The THANG – The Angus. Named for the sole remaining original member of AC DC and hero of parking-lot-smoking, Trans Am driving mulleteers everywhere. A senior citizen and still rocking it out. Basically an 11s with coupons and stairs and pain.
- 10 x squat presses w/ coupon,
- down stairs to gazebo,
- 1 x 4 ct American Hammer w/ coupon
- up stairs for 9 x squat presses, etc.
We made it to Round 5.
Limp to the flag for lunges and 2 MOM: WWIIs, Crunchy Frogs, APDs
Numbers, names, YHC took us out.
Announcements: Puppy Pile in August (16th?); Probation (V?)Q tomorrow at HBR. Triple H on Wednesday at 5:30 pm – Hills + HDHH @ Honeydos. See Slack and various preblasts for deets.
*YHC picked a rock. Dr. Try Hard got a ROCK. I’ll let him speak to the wisdom of his choice.
NMMS: Sh!t gets real when you’ve got a two man pax, a couple of stones to carry, and some steep-ass stairs. By Round 2, Try Hard and I were getting down to brass tacks about the things that matter most to most of us. Doing hard things together is a great way to start your week and your morning.
Strong work DTH! Have a great week gents
SO MUCH PAIN!!! You sneaky Q-thievin son of a motherless goat. Yes, word to the wise, if you know you’re signed up to Q and Doublemint shows up, plants his flag next to yours, and then beckons you to follow him into the Gloom – don’t do it! Only pain and misery await you… and deep conversations …and more pain. Also, I will never again pick a decent size coupon until I know what the Q has in mind. Legit – this is the only workout in two years I have wanted to tap out with tail between legs and crawl home early. Doublemint – you are a beast, and I love you man.