Wednesday, January 22
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

A welcome visitor


13 came out from across the area, including our visitor from Nashville, to Hoedown to see how much bear crawl YHC would serve up. We did

COP on blacktop: SSH, Don Qs, Russian Soliders, Merkins, Flutterkicks, Scorpion kicks. Down to bottom of Lindsay.

Partner-up: 1 PAX start bear crawling up hill, other does 15 HRMs then run to catch up & flap-jack. Mosey to field at back of TES. Partner up again: 3 rounds of 10 Pull-ups & step ups.

Over to 3rd parking lot. 4 Corners: 10 Burpees, 20 HRMs, 30 WWIIs, 40 Jump Squats. 2nd round increase all by 5. Back to Triple check loop: Balls2Wall, LBCs, run loop. Call time and back to flag. Toga took us out.

Announcements: Probation VQ tomorrow. Hill run and HDHH at 5:30 at YHCs place.

NMS: PAX just kept rolling in steadily from 5:20 until 5:30. We were at the perfect pax # of 12 until Garbage Plate pull in to give us a prime number PAX of 13. YHC didn’t realize an F3RVA OG Toga was in the pax until the COP, as Hoedown is getting darker by the week. COP on the blacktop was a mistake as it felt like we were on a hot plate.

Any PAX who were at Dogpile on Saturday must have hated the pull-ups since their arms were still sore. There were ample groans from the PAX on the 2nd round of 4 corners so much so that YHC debated a 3rd round with another increase but we were short on time at that point. Roger Roger took a break behind the dumpster during that 2nd round but said it was to stretch his back not spill Merlot.

Lastly so good to have Toga back in the gloom at F3RVA. His ability to dish out and take Mumblechatter is top notch. Hopefully we’ll see him back in the gloom at other AOs this week.


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  1. ALWAYS good to be back in the RVA PAX. Huge thanks to Honey Do for providing an adequate Q on a Monday morning. It would have been nice to have some Richard Kimble reps (still the #1 most awful F3 exercise) per old school Honey Do. Pizza Express almost had me behind the dumpster with Roger Roger, but the wings were kept down.

  2. I expected bear crawls and was not disappointed. Way to bring the sauce this morning Honeydo. It was clearly a well planned workout.

    Great to see Toga this AM. He even had some great ideas for running themed workouts that I can’t wait to introduce to the PAX.

  3. Adequate Q, high praise indeed. Richard Kimball’s have not made it out in a long time.

    I want no part of a Splinter running Q…

  4. Handshake (aka Elbow Bump) on

    I’m glad to meet O.G. Toga. I’ve heard references to him so much over the last couple years.

  5. Oh, man. Toga returned and I am out of town. I was just thinking, “How is my mercan form and where can I find a kind soul to provide feedback on my form?”

    How you and your family are well, my friend.

  6. The family is doing well, and I’m sorry I missed you. Your form likely needs work, but mine does as well these days. That said, my Richard Kimbles are perfect, I would have happily provided helpful instructions on those.

  7. Good to meet you as well and know that most of what you heard is true. Toga can be an acquired taste in the gloom.

  8. Handshake (aka Elbow Bump) on

    Oddly enough everything I’ve heard had always been vague: “Toga said this” “Toga did that” never enough to truly understand who the man is….