Monday, September 16
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

“Hey Marty! You know what we got here?! Motherf–in Charlie Bronson!”


So said Drexl Spivey in “True Romance,” and so said seven stallions on the Source of Truth field in the gloom this morning. Here’s how it went:

COP: SSH x 20, IW x 20, DQ x 10, Freddie Mercuries x 20, Alambam Prom Dates x 20; mosey to the football field for


Charles Bronson – 50 oyo prescribed exercise; sprint 100 yds, bear/army crawl 10 yds, mosey back, rinse and repeat

  1. SSHs
  2. merkins
  3. burpees (for real. this sucked. Ask Wilson)
  4. LBCs
  5. jump squats

mosey to bleachers for

11s – 10 dips, run to side line, 1 merkin, etc., mosey to field house for

triple check – timer runs up hill and back, PAX 2: peoples chair, PAX 3: WW2s, BTTF

COT: numbers, names, Doozy took us out.

NMMS: 50 burpees in a row is no joke; for YHC, numbers 35-50 resembled some sort of Carolina Dry Dock + Turkish Get Up + Jim Furyk’s golf swing. Tclaps to Wilson for bringing the mumblechatter in both verbal and written form. YHC may start bringing a comment box to his Qs.


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  1. Doublemint – appreciate the mumblechatter praise AND I wish I had the energy to pick up the dry erase marker to do the written version. I know who did it, but I will never tell. Snitches get stiches……………but they were absolutely correct. Great Q and I am spent. Bring the comment box, we will add it to the stage workout. Great work men.