So said Drexl Spivey in “True Romance,” and so said seven stallions on the Source of Truth field in the gloom this morning. Here’s how it went:
COP: SSH x 20, IW x 20, DQ x 10, Freddie Mercuries x 20, Alambam Prom Dates x 20; mosey to the football field for
Charles Bronson – 50 oyo prescribed exercise; sprint 100 yds, bear/army crawl 10 yds, mosey back, rinse and repeat
- SSHs
- merkins
- burpees (for real. this sucked. Ask Wilson)
- LBCs
- jump squats
mosey to bleachers for
11s – 10 dips, run to side line, 1 merkin, etc., mosey to field house for
triple check – timer runs up hill and back, PAX 2: peoples chair, PAX 3: WW2s, BTTF
COT: numbers, names, Doozy took us out.
NMMS: 50 burpees in a row is no joke; for YHC, numbers 35-50 resembled some sort of Carolina Dry Dock + Turkish Get Up + Jim Furyk’s golf swing. Tclaps to Wilson for bringing the mumblechatter in both verbal and written form. YHC may start bringing a comment box to his Qs.
Way to push, gents! Go get some today
Doublemint – appreciate the mumblechatter praise AND I wish I had the energy to pick up the dry erase marker to do the written version. I know who did it, but I will never tell. Snitches get stiches……………but they were absolutely correct. Great Q and I am spent. Bring the comment box, we will add it to the stage workout. Great work men.