Friday, September 20
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Huguenot Trail Post-Blast


11 rose from their sacks and posted for a new(ish) route.

From the pre-blast:

Everyone Start: bat cave, across bridge, head east/downriver to trail head entrance 100 yards from bridge on left

4 milers: Take the trail straight towards the river (see map below where it’s labeled Richmond, VA 23235), turn left at the intersection on the trails and follow the trail under the bridge over to the Huguenot Flatwater parking lot. Exit onto street at far end of the parking lot away from the river, turn left on road and the next left will send you back home on the bridge.

5 milers: before taking the trail head entrance, turn right up Oxford and then veer right onto Arrowhead up to Cherokee. Return back down to Riverside and the trail head entrance is on your right across the street. See 4 mile finish above.

6 milers: complete 5 mile route up above Oxford and Arrowhead to Cherokee before coming back down to take the trail entrance. Run the trail as described in the 4 mile route, and then upon exiting the Huguenot Flatwater parking Lot continue heading upriver/west on Riverside Drive to Waumsetta, turn around at Waumsetta and head home.

Great job, thanks for enduring a new path. Seemed it worked for everyone, no injuries and perhaps only one mistaken turn by Swiper down a plank road (literally planks next to the road). Will explore again when we all have headlamps attached. YHC appreciates Splinter and Pucker urging me to take the Q, and Saab with the route updates.

Condolences to Bleeder’s and Best Shot’s families. Our prayers are with you.

Bleeder, way to push that first mile, thought you were running with the 5s today! TYA congrats on completing the TN race.



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  1. Wedding Singer on

    Kubota and Lockjaw have a 4:50 AM launch at Huguenot Flats Parking Lot tomorrow. Bring your kayaks and low ABV seltzers.

  2. I enjoyed the variation on the over the bridge route. Lucky for me, Saab decided to run through the trail with his hands above his head so that he would knock down all cobwebs for me. Thanks Saab!

  3. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Nice twist on the run – really enjoyed it Singer !
    Well said on the BB!
    See y’all in the gloom..

  4. Wedding Singer on

    Being out in front of the 4 milers, I also had the privilege to clear the cobwebs below 6 feet. you’re welcome.

  5. And when you said go first, I thought you were just being polite…

    Nice change-up Singer. Appears that despite your preblast, some still got misdirected in that that 1-acre plot of land they call a park…