UPDATED: Sharing this route early so planned runners can review prior to the wee morning hours. Routes below with a few map pictures. It should be light enough to run the trail, which is about 1/2 a mile in total. The trail has recently been leveled nicely with fill so it shouldn’t be a danger to anyone, and provides a route I can’t recall us running to date.
Everyone Start: bat cave, across bridge, head east/downriver to trail head entrance 100 yards from bridge on left
4 milers: Take the trail straight towards the river (see map below where it’s labeled Richmond, VA 23235), turn left at the intersection on the trails and follow the trail under the bridge over to the Huguenot Flatwater parking lot. Exit onto street at far end of the parking lot away from the river, turn left on road and the next left will send you back home on the bridge.
5 milers: before taking the trail head entrance, turn right up Oxford and then veer right onto Arrowhead up to Cherokee. Return back down to Riverside and the trail head entrance is on your right across the street. See 4 mile finish above.
6 milers: complete 5 mile route up above Oxford and Arrowhead to Cherokee before coming back down to take the trail entrance. Run the trail as described in the 4 mile route, and then upon exiting the Huguenot Flatwater parking Lot continue heading upriver/west on Riverside Drive to Waumsetta, turn around at Waumsetta and head home.
Trail portion of route where everyone finishes:
5s and 6s, before taking the trail entrance, take a right on Oxford and then Arrowhead up to Cherokee and return back down to the trail entrance across Riverside.
6s: After exiting the trail, take a right on Riverside and run to Waumsetta, return back to bridge and home
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns, just trying out something a little new without splintervals.
I love new ideas! Better than intervals indeed.
Sounds fun! Thanks for the work on this Singer