Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Dogpile- exitrow


28 people showed for this my VQ and in celebration of 1 year since my first post resulted in a heart attack. I since have had 2 stints put in my heart and have been working out since August last year.


About Author

I am a 12 year military man who fixes aircraft and will do any handyman job around the house to get out of taking care of the kiddos.


  1. Well done on your VQ with some serious mumblechatter. You handled like a pro. Look forward to many more Q’s coming from Exit Row……..

  2. Way to jump in for the VQ, Exit Row. Nice use of the Pump House. Four years plus with F3, that was a new one for me. Well done.

  3. Hey – Exit Row. Watch video and jot down names. Then update pax list. #bigdata