Tricycle returned to F3RVA on Monday after along with his 2.0, FNG Animal – giving us four for the day. COP with 25 x SSHs, 15 x IWs, 15 x DQs, 15 x Helicopter, 15 x Russian Soldiers, 10 x Suzanne Somers (each side), and Arm Circles.
Find nearby shaded grass for Deck of Death with Box Cutters for Clubs, Imaginary Jump Ropes (two count) for Hearts, Squats for Spades, and Merkins for Diamonds. Reps per card range from 2 to 14 (Aces). Did not check deck to determine if any cards were missing, but few, if any, are missing.
Mosey to the school wall for Wall Medley. One guy runs into the school yard and back while the others hold People’s Chair. All take a turn running. Second round – 3 Donkey Kicks followed by Plank while taking turns running. Third round – Wall Planks while taking turns running.
Stretching and COT and YHC took us out.