Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

What is pickleball?


From Wikipedia: Pickleball is a paddleball sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis. Two or four players use solid paddles made of wood or composite materials to hit a perforated polymer ball, with 26-40 round holes, over a net. Henrico County has invested heavily in facilities for this activity at Pouncey Tract Park. Alas, the nine of us posting on Saturday had nothing to do with that. Instead we did this:

COP with 25 x Imaginary Jump Ropes, 20 x Helicopters, 15 x Don Quixotes, 15 x Imperial Walkers, and an Arm Circle medley.

Mosey to the sidewalk in front of the Middle School for Super 21 with Merkins and WWII Sit Ups. One Merkin followed by one Sit Up for round one. Round two – two of each, and so on through 21 reps of each. Breaks after 5, 10, 15, and 19 reps with 21 reps of other exercises including Mountain Climbers, Crab Cakes, Squats, and LBCs.

Mosey around the school to the bus shelter and grab a set of poles for 15 x Pole Smokers and 15 x Plie Squats. Finish three sets.

Jog down the bus lane towards Pouncey Tract Road and grab a spot adjacent to to the curb. Lunge Walk across the driveway to the opposite curb and complete 21 Rocky Balboas (single count). Lunge back and complete 20, and so on down the ladder until a single rep is finished.

Move to the bleachers for PAX count Dips. Take turns counting out 15 Dips completed pan-PAX with quick breaks between sets. Nine rounds finished.

Sprint across the football field and return to the parking lot for a final circle with an LBC medley and a little stretching. COT and YHC took us out.

Nice work guys.


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