Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Final Days of Hate


A PAX of 16(!) hit No Toll on this drizzly and unseasonably cool June morning. The New Market clown car (welcome back to No Toll fellas!) showed up right on time and off we went. Here’s what went down:

Mosey to back parking lot.

COP: DQs, Helicopters, Russian Soldiers, SSHs, LBCs, Flutterkicks

Ascending Quarter Pounders:

PAX lines up in the end zone.

Sprint to 25 yd line for 25 merkins, Bernie Sanders back

Sprint to 50 yd line for 25 merkins, 50 squats, Bernie back

Sprint to 75 yd line for 25 merkins, 50 squats, 75 2-count mountain climbers, Bernie back

Sprint to other end zone for 25 merkins, 50 squats, 75 2-count mountain climbers, 100 SSHs, Bernie back

Plank for the six.

Killer Bee’s:

Line up at the pavilion

Bear crawl the field half way, repeat 5 broad jumps and 3 burpees until reaching the other side. Repeat AMRAP in 12 minutes.

Mosey back to the endzone.

Duck walk to 25 yd line, 5 merkins, crawl bear back.

Duck walk to 50 yd line, 10 merkins, lunge back.

BTTF for 5 minutes of Mary which included American Hammers (x50), Rosalitas (x25), and 5 burpees.

Numbers, names, announcements, YHC took us out.


-July 4th convergence at No Toll (6am)

-3rd F next Tuesday (June 23) at 8pm on Zoom; Honeydo has the Q

-Satan’s Hill bootcamps in New Market on Mondays and Fridays


The final week of hate has arrived. YHC turns 40 on Friday…and what better way to begin celebrating than by grabbing a few Qs this week. With Phase II in full force, it was great to see the No Toll numbers almost back to pre-quarantine levels. So awesome to see the return of the New Market clown car to No Toll…you fellas have been missed! YHC particularly missed Wilson’s mumblechatter.

If today’s Q wasn’t enough, YHC will be back for SOT, the Forge, and Twin Team this week.



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  1. Way to work fellas! You guys crushed it today. Couldn’t believe how quickly you all destroyed the ascending quarter pounder…left me scrambling a little bit at the end to fill the time.

  2. Great job Tobit and happy early birthday brotha!! This was a smoker for sure. I hope the same thing happens to the Killer Bees as does your 30s…that they will be gone for good after this week.

  3. Brutal, yet satisfying workout Tobit. You killed it! Welcome to the 40’s…………

  4. I was a little concerned that we wouldn’t have any American Hammers today but in true Tobit fashion, you got them in at the end.

  5. Nice Q Tobit! Happy Birthday if I don’t catch ya in the gloom again this week. Thanks for introducing me to the duck walk. Seems like a good one for the bag of tricks. Also, I can’t believe I didn’t reflexively yell out WU TANG!! When you called killer beez….

  6. Happy birthday brother. 40’s are not that bad except you get slower and aches and pains hurt more and it’s hard to get up and ………fill in the rest.