Wednesday, September 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

6 Pack Plus 1 at DaVille


YHC was excited to get this one started as we had a light drizzle and 60 degrees for a Sunny and 70 RVA workout and here is how it went down:

COP (Circle of Pain)

We mosey to the East Entrance to Atlee HS and circle up for:

20 SSH, 15 DQ, 10 Russian Soldiers, 10 Imperial Walkers, 20 American Hammers, 20 LBC’s, 15 Reverse Scorpions, 15 scorpions, 20 merkins.

THANG (The Harry Assed Nasty Grind)

We mosey to the access road and using the light poles along the side we do 10 merkins, recover and lunge to the next light pole, 10 merkins, recover and jog to the next light pole, 10 merkins then lunge and continue this alternating until we reached the track parking lot. We did two rotations of Bernie Saunders in lieu of jog to mix it up, lunges were consistent.

Then we did 11’s starting with 10 curb dips bernie saunders up the hill tot he fence for 1 donkey kick, jog back down for 9 curb dips Bernie saunders to fence for 2 DK’s jog to the bottom. (the PAX’s Quads are barking now so we modified the remaining BS to jog up the hill. The fast ones Al Gored for the 6.

We return to the Access road using the light poles again we bear crawl warm up then get to a rotation of 10 bear crawl steps, then walk to next pole, 15 bear crawls then walk to next light pole, 20 BCs walk to next light pole, 25 BCs walk to next light pole 30 BC’s walk to next Light pole. Then decrease by 5 until we get to 15 BCs and slow mosey to flag for Mary.


We get to flag for 3 minutes of Ring of Fire 5 dirty dogs, 10 push ups, squats, Burpees and then we wrapped it up.

COT (Circle of Trust)

Numberama, Namerama Announcements July 4 convergence is on so far, check F3 RVA home page for details. Wednesday Hump day happy hour next Wednesday @ Kubota’s, get some miles in and enjoy an adult beverage after the effort. See F3 site for details.

We welcome FABIO aka (Derrick Ford) to the F3 morning gloom. WE now have a celebrity model in our group…watch out SOJ, West end and Down town, we are growing! We hope to see you in the future and welcome to DaVille, same time and place every week!

Always an honor to lead and look forward to seeing you in the gloom….CB


About Author

I grew up in Roanoke, Va. Class of 1985 Cave Spring High, class of 1989 VMI Civil Engineering. Worked for Turner Construction in Jacksonville, Miami and Cincinnati, Moved to Richmond, Licensed Class A contractor, and work for Westminster Canterbury Richmond managing their major expansion for the next 4 years. I am married to a Librarian Betsy (UVA grad) and proud father of two awesome teenagers George (aka Hash-F3) and Lucy.


  1. Welcome to F3 Fabio, I look forward to seeing you in future F3 workouts! Great work today gents!…Cheers…CB

  2. That is a strong naming game going on in DaVille. Fabio and Fannie Mae, well done gents.