Friday, September 20
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Early Morning Lollipops


Twelve Spider Run regulars + 1 Q visitor gathered early around the commons for today’s rendition. Bleeder arrived after just missing an albino deer on Cary, then perfectly clear instructions were disclosed.

The Route
Head west young men!!! Everyone head west, across the bridge and through the woods. 4s & 5s head up University, 6s head up Lakewood to Westham to University. Continue on University until you reach Ziontown. Don’t take Ziontown, take the driveway straight ahead. Admire the perfectly clean cars in the driveway and continue through the park. Right out of the park and up Roslyn Hills. Left on September.

4s take a left on Melwood then left on Roslyn Hills and back through the park and home.

5s & 6s continue on September which turns to Countryside. 6s take a right on Higginbotham then left on Running Cedar then left on Ruggles. 5s continue on Countryside then take a left on Ruggles. Left on Roslyn Hills and back through the park the way you came.

Digits and salutations and YHC took us out.

What a beautiful morning to be alive. Running at dawn always brings me peace. It’s no secret that Marv and YHC have been meeting up the past few weeks to try to get some fellowship while running. Solo runs are fine for a while but individual motivation quickly dissipates. YHC is thankful for the opportunity to lead and to be a part of this ever-entertaining group of gentlemen.

Prayers for Profit and his recovery down at Duke. He’ll be back at RAMMGears before you know it.

¡Hasta mañana mi amigos!



  1. That route was a butt kicker. Still in recovery mode. Thanks for sharing the hills with us!

  2. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Great to have you back at Spider Run Splinter – tough route !
    Enjoyed it fella’s.
    See y’all in the gloom..