Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

2 men and some rocks


Two of New Market’s finest posted on sultree drive with a sultry morning to greet them for the billy madison back-to-school beatdown. Nancy lead off with a typical assortment of COP stretches, merkins, LBCs and such. With sweat angels already on the ground inside of 5 minutes, we were off to the end of the lot to do The THANG.

It included boulders to rock our biceps and our shoulders.

3 exercises (1st and 3rd repeat) before each of 12 rotations. 6 rotations were lead by Nancy “the Rock” Lopez and included exercises followed by a run around the perimeter of the lot. Exercises were an assortment of 12 of everything – rock curls, rock press, rock skull crusher, rock tricep press…you get it.

turn it over to Herme – now the last 6 rotations. A variety of abs, merkins, more rock curls, etc. The exercises were followed by an array of advancing exercises to get across the lot – lunges, side shuffles, Bernie sanders, karaoke, front kicks, kung fu shuffle and possibly more. About the time I started wondering if it was raining, misting, or our own personal parking lot-moisture-filled cloud descending upon us, we saw New Marketeer Rosetta run by on his way to slay some miles.

With the graduation ceremony in full tilt, we did some Mary and finished the sultry full body sculpting postgraduate class with hand-release merkins.

Prayers to our Good God in the name of Jesus. Be safe, watch out for snakes and Rock on brothers.


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  1. Nancy Lopez on

    Well done Hermie. Thanks for showing up and pushing me to get better. I will say Hermie did state my rock is too small right after the start and went back to retrieve bigger rock. This decision may have been questioned later.