Monday, September 16
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Somebody is missing???


6 of the usual suspects made their way out of the dark into the light of Hoedown for a Honeydo Q. 5:30 no Honeydo so Handshake took the reigns and lead the PAX on a short mosey across the street to Bodos’s work place.

COP: Handshake

SSH, DQ’s, Cherry Pickers, Inverted Scorpion Kicks, WWII’s and possibly a couple others

Get to the corner for some four corner action

Corner 1 – 10 Burpees, bear crawl, corner 2 – 20 Merkins, Bernie Sanders, Corner 3 – Monkey Humpers, run, Corner 4 – LBC’s

Handshake hands the Q to Garbage Plate

Run the length of the Parking lot and back while GP thinks of what to do

Line up on the first Parking Lot spot Jump back and forth over the line 25 times on each side, modified parking lot merkins bear crawl two spots for 3 merkins, crab walk two spots for 3 merkins all the way down. Back on the end line, X cross overs (way to much coordination for YHC) repeat parking lot merkins.

Triple up at the curb, Partner 1 – run the length of the parking lot, partner 2 – balls to the wall, partner 3 – LBC’s

Same triplets for five minutes of pain – 3 doing 2 donkey kicks while other 3 do shoulder taps, switch, and the increase each time by 2. YHC believes we made it to 22

Garbage Plate asked who wanted to take the Q and with no volunteers YHC was Voluntold and away we went. Mosey back to the flag parking lot for 11’s run across short side of parking lot Bernie up the hill 10 American Hammers, run back across 1 scrunchy frog. As usual YHC got thrown off at the 6,5 5,6 mark and Handshake figured out YHC was increasing on both sides.

Numbers/Names – BODOS said he was feeling lead to let YHC know YHC was feeling lead to take us out. It is always a privilege for YHC to speak to the Creator on behalf of the PAX.


YHC was going to poke fun at the fact that Honeydo fartsacked on us this morning but YHC had to first make sure that Honeydo was in fact fartsacking. After a text back from Honeydo telling YHC all is well, I can thankfully report that not only did Honeydo Fart Sack on us he also Brain Farted thinking that he signed up to Q next week. Thanks and Golf claps to Handshake for taking control of the situation and leading the PAX.


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