Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Triple – triple checks


3 early riser veterans weighed their options before 5:00 and took advantage of the triplet of pax. To start:

Kubota Q: COP – SSH, Imperial Walkers, Don Qs, WWIIs, Merkins. Mosey back to KB drop spot for Triple Check: High pulls, KB Swings, & run the parking lot loop.

EF Hutton Q: Triple check #2 – Lying KB Presses, Boat & Canoe, & Run the lot. Head to end of lot: Bear Crawl length of parking lot.

Honeydo Q: Cross street over to RRC(b) for Triple check #3: Burpees, LBCs, & run to tree and back. Head to side of church: 3 sets of 20 Donkey Kicks, bear crawl across width, & 10 HRMs. Back to flag for bit of mary then done.

Announcements: Lots of Virtual Zoom opportunities for 1 & 2 Fs.

NMS: Kubota gave YHC the deciding vote whether to put in a good 15 minutes at FW then head over to WDog or stay at the AO for the full 45 minutes. YHC chose to stay put as to not mess with the nap schedule.

3 rounds of triple checks will eat up most of the beatdown. YHC enjoyed the 60+ yard bear crawl. Not sure why EF Hutton stopped and gave YHC the lead as he is a strong bear crawler. Kubuta did NOT enjoy the long bear crawl.

Good morning to be out and we the First Watch PAX did get a few early rays of the rising sun as we were finishing up. Brighter earlier days are ahead (literally and figuratively) for RVA.


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  1. Didn’t realize we were racing. When it comes to bears you don’t have to be the fastest, you just can’t be the slowest, right? I’m up for a race sometime though. If I die, I die. – Drago

  2. Kubota, for being a solid PAX member on everything else, really does suck at Bear crawl.

  3. Agreed! I’ll be sure to stand at the finish line and watch y’all bear crawl race next time!